I tried to access Learner Portal to check my results but it gives me the incorrect password message. Can you please advise?
Learner Portal uses a different password to the one you currently use to access other MIT services (e.g. Canvas, Student Mail).
First time user: You need to set up your password if you're a first time user of the Learner Portal.
- Enter your user name (eg. abcd123) and then go to the Forgot your password link (under the login button)
- An email will be sent to your email inbox for you to reset your password
- Click the link and enter your date of birth as requested.
Returning students: If you've forgotten your password, please reset by clicking on the Forgot your password link.
If you haven’t received the Learner Portal email you can follow the instructions indicated on the How to access Learner Portal page to reset your password or email lppr@manukau.ac.nz to request your Learning Portal login details.